Christos Kalli grew up in Cyprus, a beautiful but split island that takes up the smallest space on the global map. His poems—sometimes about the colonization of Cyprus, sometimes about the rarely talked about parts of the body—have been published in Prairie Schooner, Salt Hill, Muzzle, Ninth Letter, The Adroit Journal, the National Poetry Review, Radar, The Hollins Critic, the minnesota review, Dunes Review, Hobart, and The Penn Review. In 2024, he was awarded the William Carlos Williams Prize from the Academy of American Poets. An avid poetry critic, his writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, the Chicago Review of Books, the Harvard Review, the Hopkins Review, Poetry Northwest, and World Literature Today. He read English at the University of Cambridge and he is currently working on his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania. In addition to editing The Cambridge Pamphlet, he has been an Associate Poetry Editor of Stirring and has served on the editorial board of The Adroit Journal (2017-2019). An enthusiastic public speaker and instructor, he has taught courses on American literature and culture, and presented at the MLA, ALA, and other international conferences.